Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hello there! Just wanted to let you know that I have a presence on Twitter as well that I will be updating and hopefully will get some ideas from folks on there as well. Rememeber I am here to help you and have very reasonable rates if you need me to have a one on one consult with you.

I have a whole portfolio of wedding and special occasion music, and can help you find muscians or recorded music for your needs.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Patriotic Music for your Use

Hello! As you know this past week was Independence Day. I hope yours went well. As for me, i was grilling brats in the rain..but that is another story.

Since July 4th has past, you will have to use these ideas for next year, but they incorporate well into Memorial Day or Veterans Day.

If you have an event that requires a patriotic tone, here are a few songs that are beyond the normal "America the Beautiful" realm. One is called "It's Still America the Beautiful to Me". We did it at a school program, and they thought I had written it, since it was not known. I did a recent search for it online, and I could not find it. If you are interested, please reply to this post, and I will see what I can get for you. Another one with a more religious theme is called "The Statue of Liberty". We sang it at a church camp one year and I still get a lump in my throat when I hear it. I found the lyrics at:

You can read the lyrics for yourself, and if you are interested in this one as well, please contact me also for the lead sheet or resources for the music.

I also want to mention that since it is Wedding season, please contact me with any questions regarding music selection. I will be happy to help you.